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Send-It (Cornhole) - Chuckers (Cornhole Arena)

Retail Value:
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$6.00 (60%)

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Send-It! is the Bismarck-Mandan area’s first and only indoor cornhole arena! Founded by three local enthusiasts in 2022, today we offer 16 regulation cornhole lanes in a fun and welcoming environment. Join a league and get fiercely competitive – or bring the whole family in for a wholesome day or night of entertainment. There’s no wrong way to Send-It!


FOR CORNHOLE PLAY ONLY- EXCLUDES LEAGUES AND TOURNAMENTS...No cash back. No cash value. No credit given. Customers may buy and use as many as they would like for the amazing adventure that is Cornhole!

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Chuckers (Cornhole Arena)

1700 E Main St,
Mandan, ND 58554
(701) 751-2359
View 1700 E Main St, on a map